A “Christian Nation” is absolutely heretical. God is universal, nameless, faceless, and with no allegiance to anything other than love. You cannot pledge allegiance to a nation state and its flag in the name of God, for God has no political boundary.
He seems to be mainly addressing Christians and so-called Christians who are rallying around a nationalistic version of Christianity that doesn’t line up with the Bible or the US Constitution - one espoused by Donald Trump, a man who seems to be largely unfamiliar with both texts, in his inaugural address. Sufjan writes - quite accurately, I’d argue - that God “has no political boundary.” He then impels his readers to do away with “corrupt theological fear-mongering,” to “get real and get right with God,” and to live a lifestyle in line with Jesus Christ. Now he has shared a third message debunking the concept of a Christian nation.
First he offered up the Ten Commandments as a universal standard for morality, then he suggested that “ Christ would be ashamed” of President Trump’s immigration policies. Sufjan Stevens has been posting a series of notes online in recent weeks addressing the American political situation through the lens of his Christian worldview.